Peggy N. Canale, Superintendent
LEAs shall develop a plan describing how funds will increase or improve services for unduplicated pupils to ensure college readiness and include information on how it aligns with the LEA’s local control and accountability plan. As a condition of receipt of funds, LEAs shall report to the CDE by January 1, 2017, on how the LEA will measure the impact of the funds received on the LEA’s unduplicated pupils’ access and matriculation to higher education.
The Southern Trinity College Readiness Plan is designed to provide all students attending Southern Trinity High School the tools and opportunities necessary to prepare each for successful entrance and completion of an undergraduate degree within four years. Amount: $75,000
Following are the areas of focus and/or need that have been identified and which will be addressed through activities supported by the College Readiness Block Grant.
$12,000-Motivation- “Studies show that student engagement hits its lowest point in high school, jeopardizing students’ long-term success.” STJUSD will search for concrete strategies to keep high schoolers involved in their own education through the use of the following:
Build a college and career readiness culture by educating students re: college and career choice and options beginning in Kindergarten
Offer College Visitation field trips to all students beginning in 6th grade.
Attend College/Career Fairs whenever possible
A-G credit guidance/encouragement by academic counselor along with assistance tracking testing achievement.
Administer interest surveys to students
Provide academic rigor in all subject areas
Provide student support to ensure ongoing matriculation toward high school and college
Provide dual enrollment opportunities
Provide internships for juniors and/or senior students
Benchmark testing and practice for areas that need strengthened through Let’s Go Learn platform
$10,000-Professional Development-
PD opportunities for staff in the area of preparing students in qualifying for and succeeding in entry-level, credit-bearing postsecondary courses without need for remediation.
$6,000-Parent- Community Involvement-
Access to college and career information for students and parents.
Workshops/conferences for students and parents that explain requirements, demonstrate opportunities available.
$5,000-Financial preparation
Guidance and support re: college entrance costs, FAFSA, scholarships
$30,000-Technology/CTE and career exploration-
Access to current technology to assist students in career choice and subsequently college choice.
Access to CTE pathways to assist in college choice
Access to Career exploration, to assist in College choice, through a variety of means such as field trips, speakers, courses.
Maintain required technology to access curriculum: i.e. Chromebooks, computers, wifi
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